The Rialto as an organisation has always reviewed its use of social media over our time on all the platforms we inhabit. Over the last two years the advisory board have become increasingly uncomfortable using Twitter/X. We have already pulled back from anything much beyond promotion of publications, events and publicising the poetry competition.

Due to the continued increase in content promoting misinformation, inciting discrimination, and causing division, and the promotion of ideologies which are not consistent with our values as an organisation.

We recognise the negative impacts this culture has on society, communities and especially marginalised groups – the last few weeks have made the results of this really evident.

We cannot in good conscience continue to use Twitter/X in its current form.

We have therefore come to the decision to completely withdraw from any further use of the platform. Our account will remain for now as a legacy to our part in the huge and diverse poetry community which has formed and grown on the platform, it pains us to leave such a wonderful set of people behind – poets, publishers, friends, and colleagues alike.

We will still be using social media, and would like to encourage you, the poetry community, and our supporters to come and join us on other channels.

You can find us on Threads, Instagram and Bluesky.

The Rialto
11 August 2024