Cley Little Festival of Poetry 2011

Michael Mackmin, Hannah Lowe and Jack Underwood at the Cley Little Festival of Poetry on 28th May 2011. The full programme is as follows: 10.30am – 11.30/12.00am Closely Shared British Columbia Hall | Admission £5.00 Michael Mackmin, poet and Editor of Rialto, plus...

London Launch

There is a London launch of Hannah Lowe’s The Hitcher on April 1st at 7.30. This is Upstairs at the Kings Cross Social Club, 2 Britannia Street WC1X 9JE, and not at The Lamb as originally announced. Lorraine Mariner will be making a Special Guest Appearance. All...

Hannah Lowe – The Hitcher

We have just received back the rather lovely printed Pamphlet of Hannah Lowe’s work. It is now available to order via Paypal, The pamphlet will be launched on April 1st, details will follow shortly. Hannah Lowe’s poems are hugely enjoyable, full of life as it is...

March 9th 2011 – AN APOLOGY

Dear Subscriber, We have had a serious computer glitch at The Rialto. This means that: Some of you haven’t yet received copies of No 71. We are finding out who you are and will send copies as soon as possible. Subscription Renewal notices were sent out in some...

Festival of nature writing

There was an event in North Norfolk last weekend of such significance that I’m unsure whether to write about it or stay silent. You know how it is when you stumble down a track, a path that’s barely marked, into a small valley, a bay where the apples and...

Gresham’s Festival of Nature Writing

Our own Michael Mackmin and Peter Sansom of The Poetry Business and The North will be leading a poetry writing workshop at Gresham’s Festival of Nature Writing from 17th February to 19th February, 2011 at the Auden Theatre, Gresham’s School, Holt Festival...

October and November at The Rialto

I’m in Upper St Giles Street, Norwich having a cup of tea in what used to be a butcher’s shop but is now part deli, part posh caff (lads with laptops, etc). I’m a bit shaky, I’ve just got my car back from the menders. I was involved in a...

At The Rialto – Late September

Please come and meet Nathan and Michael at The Troubadour in Old Brompton Road (London SW6 9JA, just up the road from West Brompton tube, or via buses Nos 74, C1 430) on Monday October 4th at 8 p.m. There’s a Rialto reading, part of our ongoing 25th Jubilee. The...


We will hopefully in the next few issue be introducing a small amount of advertising to the magazine, we’ve considered this long and hard over a fairly long period of time, it’s involved a lot of tea, some cake and a fair bit of hmmming and hahing. The...

August News

I’m sipping a McDonald’s Hot Chocolate (maybe it’s properly called ‘McChocco TM’ or somesuch (no I checked the website it’s just Hot Chocolate, Regular or Large)) up in the sky at the top of Norwich’s Chapelfield Shopping...

Essex Poetry Festival

This year the festival will be running poetry workshops and readings around the county in conjunction with Essex Libraries and various poetry groups in Early October. Plus a big day of poetry at the Cramphorn Theatre, Chelmsford, where George Szirtes, Annie Freud,...